So far, I’ve been using strictly the command line prompt of radare2. I do believe this was the perfect choice to start learning how it…
So far, I’ve been using strictly the command line prompt of radare2. I do believe this was the perfect choice to start learning how it…
Crackme0x03 is the first of this series of exercises to have more that one function. It actually has three (important) functions, described below: main function,…
For the Crackme0x02, I’ll follow two approaches. First, I’m going to find out the password through analysis. Then, I’ll modify the program in order to…
In order to have some insight of what are we dealing with, let’s run the Crackme0x01 program first. Password Challenge! Apparently, its just a simple…
Four weeks ago, the opportunity to learn something about Reverse Engineering presented itself, I was asked to analyze and, if possible, modify a DOS executable.…
After some googling and testing, I have compiled a list of commands that enabled me to look deeply into the code and get useful information.…